Medical Billing

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Medical Billing

Prioritizing your patients' health is the number one task that your healthcare institution must focus on. But, if you don't get your billing process in order, it could affect your profits and you won't be able to care for your patients as well. With Pro-Clinical Solutions, you can ensure steady profits and maximize care delivery for patients.

Pro-Clinical Solution medical billing services will also help you save up on your financial resources, time and facilitate proper recordkeeping to prevent mistakes in the submission of bills and insurance claims.

Pro-Clinical Solutions is one of the leading providers of medical billing management services. We understand each client's unique requirements and provide them with customized solutions that will suit their business requirements. Some of the key medical billing solutions we offer include –

Insurance Verification
Patient Demographic Entry
Medical Coding
Charge Entry
Claim Creation
Claim Submission
Clearing House rejection
Payment Posting
Denial Management
AR Management


Our Services